ASD Men's-Only Workshop: Help for Husbands Experiencing Chronic Marital Discord
Are you a man on the autism spectrum married to a neurotypical (NT) wife? And have you been in the “doghouse” for a very-very-very long time? If so, you really should read this:
How many times have you said the following things to yourself?
How many times have you said the following things to yourself?
- “My wife seems to harbor so much resentment.”
- “She has been unhappy with me for many years now.”
- “It doesn’t matter what I say or do, it’s never good enough.”
- “She complains that she’s both mentally and physically sick because of how I ‘treat’ her.”
- “She thinks I need to be ‘fixed’, or our relationship will continue to deteriorate.”
- “She has mentioned separation and divorce several times.”
- “She has become my #1 source of anxiety, which contributes to me either shutting down or melting down!”
- “No matter how hard I try, she’s always disappointed in me.”
- “She frequently complains that I don’t show empathy or affection.”

Guys: What if I told you that I can help you come up with some strategies that will actually meet many of her needs and wants - perhaps for the first time?
Well, I’m telling you that - right now!
No, I don’t work miracles. But I have worked with people on the autism spectrum for several decades now, and am pretty good at helping them cultivate social skills and increase emotional competences.
The autistic brain is low in both social and emotional intelligence. And you’re married to a wife who is really high in both of those areas! So, you can see why there is such disagreement and conflict. But it doesn’t have to be this way.
Your disorder is not your fault. But it is also not an excuse to avoid working smart (not hard) on salvaging your marriage.
I have an “ASD men’s-only” group that will take a deep dive into some highly effective communication and relationship strategies. These will reduce your relationship-stress, while at the same time, give you some concrete methods to meet your wife’s emotional needs.
==> How many times has your wife accused you of being uncaring, insensitive, selfish - and even narcissistic?
==> Does she view your empathy-level as being SO LOW that she wonders if you are a sociopath?
==> Are there times when you can’t wait to get out of the house and go to work just to get away from her?
You know change needs to happen. Your self-esteem is probably already in the toilet at this point. You’re tired of living this way – and so is she. Arguing and defending doesn’t accomplish anything, and just drives a wedge even deeper between the two of you.
Don’t let your anxiety hold you back from resolving the marriage conflict that has robbed you and your wife of the peace, joy and prosperity that you both deserve. Take action RIGHT NOW!
I look forward to working with you in the next therapy group,
Mark Hutten, M.A.
==> Register Here <==